Whatever it is, we can make it! Here is how our process works.

Stock, ordering, and waitlists. It needs some explanation.

  • Stock

    You may notice that we do not have a robust “stock” of popular items. That is because all items are made to order! This means whatever you purchase from us is made with YOU in mind. It also means that we appreciate your patience … leading to our next point.

  • Ordering

    Due to our stocking policy mentioned to the left, it can sometimes be difficult to remember that ordering popular listed items will require a wait since we do not have “stock.” Do not fret! Just fill out the custom order form expressing your desire and we will hop right to it! This will likely include being entered into a waitlist, which is a nice transition to our final point here.

  • Waitlist

    If you have read this far, then you might not be surprised to know that we heavily rely on a waitlist to make sure we treat our customers fairly! Turns out, making heirloom quality wood products takes time. All that to say, when you place your order, we will place you on our waitlist to ensure your spot is secured and you receive your product ASAP! Whether it be a regular popular item or a custom order, we will email you soon with details of timeline, payment options (if you did not pay in full), and updates on your order.